Thursday, August 4, 2011


So, last week marked the end of my 30-Day fitness challenge. Here's a little recap-

I went to the gym almost every day during the last month, led a very active lifestyle, ate the right foods, and everything that I set out to do. Of course I had a few cheat days where I just ate what I felt like, and didn't do that much in terms of workout, but I made sure to keep those on the minimum.

Let's compare and see if I had any gains over this past month.

Day 1
End of Month

End of Month
End of Month

 Now, I didn't take other angles for the beginning of the month, like I should have, but I think that I've made some pretty good gains.

My chest is WAY bigger, my arms may look the same, but they're definitely WAY bigger, I didn't take a picture of my legs, but my jeans are definitely tighter, and my abs stayed exactly the same.

Several people have been telling me that I'm getting noticeably bigger, and I feel great. Now I plan on keeping up this growth, and hopefully getting to my goal of 160 or 165 pounds of lean muscle, with a low body fat percentage.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 13 of 30 Day Challenge

Workout - Biceps

Weight - 147

  • 10,10,10 Dumbbell Curls (30)
  • EZ-Bar Half-Curls (55)
  • EZ-Bar Curls (55)
  • Preacher Curl Burnouts (20 to 60 to 20)

Day 9, 10, 11, 12 of 30 Day Challenge

Crap, I've been neglecting to post on here lately. SO HERE WE GO!

Day 9

Workout - Triceps (Out of Order and no weights, because i forgot)

  • Skullcrushers
  • Rope Cable Push-Downs
  • Cable Push-Downs Reverse Grip
  • Dips
  • Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
  • I might be missing something
Day 10

Workout - Supposed to be back, but I didn't have time so I just did Cardio and Abs

Day 11

Workout - Rest Day

Day 12

Workout - Chest + Some Shoulders
  • 10,8,6 Flat Barbell Bench Press (135,155,165)
  • 10,8,6 Incline Barbell Bench Press (115,115,125)
  • Decline Bench Press (First time, ended up doing cable decline)
  • 7x10 Cable Flies Decline, Flat, Incline (20 Both Sides)
  • 10,10,10,25 Bent Lateral Raises (17.5,17.5,17.5,10)
  • Vincent's Shoulder Workout (20,30,30)
I'll post up a picture and progress thoughts tomorrow because I'm really tired right now.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 8 of 30 Day Challenge

Workout - Legs

Weight - Back down to 147.5 lbs

  • 6-3-6 Cardio (~2 miles)
  • 5,4,3 Power Cleans (115, 135, 135)
  • 10,10,10 Squats (205)
  • 10,10,10 Lunges (120)
  • 10,8,6 One-Leg Extensions (75, 90, 105)
  • 10,8,6 One-Leg Curls (75,90,105)
  • 12,12,12 Seated Calf Raises (95)
This diet is such a hassle, I'm getting really annoyed of it, but I'm going to keep pushing and trying hard at it. I bought some multivitamins, waiting for that to come in. I bought Universal Animal Pak, because I heard that it was pretty good so I wanted to try it out. My legs are completely wasted right now, having a hard time walking properly, and IT'S SO DAMN HOT and I'M SO DAMN SWEATY

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Message of Life

Day 7 of 30 Day Challenge

Workout - Shoulders

Weight - 150 lbs (dayumn, I just jumped 2.5 pounds?? But then again, I just ate not too long ago so that could be affecting my weight, still gaining weight and not putting on any fat so I'm feeling pretty good right now)

  • 10,8,6 Dumbbell Military (40,45,50)
  • 3 sets of 3x10 PV Shoulder Circuit (15)
  • 10,10,10 Bent Lateral Raises (15)
  • 10,10,10 Front Raises (15)
  • 10,10,10 Shrugs (60)
  • 15,8,8 Standing Upright Rows (50,70,70)
So I tried out a new protein today, GNC Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60, because the dude in the GNC store is a really good salesman and convinced me to purchase this one instead of Gold Standard. Well, I used to take this one and I liked it, but it was a little pricey so I steered away from it. I went into GNC intending to buy the Gold Standard protein, but like I said, the guy was a really good salesperson and I ended up leaving the shop with the GNC brand and I also bought a new shaker bottle. He threw in a complementary.. dietary supplement? I guess it's kind of like a fat burner, but I told him that I'm trying to bulk up and he said to keep it until I'm at my desired weight/size and then take it to burn off any excess fat. He also gave me the GNC gold card discount, so what would've been a much more expensive purchase turned out to be about 50 dollars, so that was pretty cool. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Some of my Meals

So I figured I should probably post up what kind of diet I'm doing. To be honest, I'm not being very strict on my diet, but I'm just doing what I can with what I have to make my diet healthy.

Lets break it down - I'm eating about 5 times a day, keeping my meals at an average size, not too big, not too small. I'm drinking a protein shake before and then after workouts to keep up with my body's protein requirements. I'm drinking tons of water, and I mean A LOT of water. Maybe like 2 gallons of water a day. Needless to say, I spend a lot of time in the restroom.

Well here's some of my meals for today.

Breakfast Day 6
So this was my breakfast for today. I had oatmeal with dried raisins, 3 eggs with 2 egg yolks, and a cup of milk.

One thing I learned from eating this breakfast - I HATE OATMEAL.

Oatmeal has to be one of the blandest tasting foods ever. I didn't put any seasoning in it, only some dried raisins, and I hated it.

Dinner Day 6

This is my.. dinner? I split this up into two meals because it was a pretty large portion. So, my parents bought me vietnamese food for dinner, and I didn't want to waste it so I decided to try and make the meal as healthy as possible. I didn't put in ANY of the sauce that they give you. I added extra vegetables, like carrots and cucumbers. And because I love yogurt, I had some Yoplait yogurt on the side.

I didn't take pictures of any of my other meals, but I can just do my best to describe them. Honestly, dieting sucks. I wanted to eat some really good foods today, but I promised I'd stick to this diet and I'm going to do my best to do so.

Meal #2 - Not gonna lie, I cheated a little bit and ate a cheeseburger, BUT it was a homemade cheeseburger with lean beef cooked on a skillet and not on a grill. The cheeseburger was pretty large and had lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, grilled onions, the patty, and the buns.

Meal #3 - I didn't really have time to cook any food so I just had a bowl of Cheerios, some yogurt, and some pineapple.

Meal #4 and 5 - The vietnamese food shown above.

Day 6 of 30 Day Challenge

Workout - Chest

Weight - 147.5 lbs

So I based my workout on hanhchampion and ice1cube's "Sick Chest Workout" on youtube, but I altered the sets and reps to match what I felt would be good.

  • 10,10 Dumbbell Bench (light, 45)
  • 10,8,6 Dumbbell Bench (heavy, 60,65,70)
  • 5x10 Dumbbell Bench (medium, 52.5)
  • 10,8,6 Incline Barbell Press (95,105,115)
  • 10,10,8,8,6 Machine Flies (80,80,90,90,100)

I skipped cardio today altogether because I injured my heel yesterday doing random stuff, I'll probably skip cardio tomorrow too and get back on it in a couple days or something.

Day 5 of 30 Day Challenge

Still taken with my phone..
Sorry going to get a camera soon  for college
WOO new week! That means picture and update!

So I decided that I'm going to post a new picture every Monday during this 30 day challenge and then talk about how I'm feeling about any progress and all that.

But for now, lets start off with my workout for the day, didn't weigh myself that day so I don't have a weight to put down.

Workout - Biceps

  • 10 Minute Light Jog (1.15 Miles)
  • 10,10,8 Dumbbell Curls (30,30,37.5)
  • 10,8,6 One-Handed Preacher Curls (37.5, 45, 50)
  • 10,10,10 EZ-Bar Half Curls (60)
  • 10,9,8 EZ-Bar Curls (60)
  • 10 Rep Seated Preacher Burnouts
I kind of skimped on cardio today because I was feeling pretty low energy.

Alright and now to how I feel about all this. Right now I am loving this 30 day challenge. I love hitting the gym everyday and I'm feeling great, better than I've felt in a while. I think that's a big thing about working out, it makes you look great AND it makes you feel great! What else do you need?? Now to progress.. Well it's only been a week, how much progress can you possibly expect? I do FEEL a little bit bigger, even if I don't look like it, so that's nice. Starting tomorrow I'm going to start real dieting, eating the stuff I'm supposed to and all that. I'm not going to keep going as I have been, just eating whatever, not really caring the nutritional value of what I'm putting in my mouth. The food I have been eating may have been pretty good and healthy, but I need to start making sure I'm eating when I need to eat and eating the kinds of foods I need to eat. I plan on eating about 5 times a day, every 3 hours or something, just eat whenever my body needs the nutrition to feed my muscle growth. I'll try and remember to take pictures of my meals and all that, I'll try and stay dedicated to this diet, but there's only so many ways that you can cook chicken.

Day 4 of 30 Day Challenge

Just got back from the gym and I’m sweating like a hurricane in the desert.

Workout - Shoulders

Weight - 147

  • 3 Sets PV Shoulder Circuit (15)
  • 10,8,6 Dumbbell Military (40,45,50)
  • 10,10,10 Side Lateral Raises (15)
  • 10,10,10 Bent Side Raises (12,15,15)
  • 10,10 Front Raises (15)
  • 10,10,10 Pull-ups
  • 6-3-3 Cardio (1.53 miles) Boosted the speed on the treadmill, but I boosted it too much and couldn’t keep up for whole 6-3-6 so I chopped off some of it.
Going to hit up some abs right now

Day 3 of 30 Day Challenge

Workout - Legs

Weight - 146

And here’s the exercises I did, with weights so that I can measure the progress of my strength as well.

  • 6-3-6 Cardio (1.75 miles) I want to build this up to at least 2.5 miles, hopefully even 3 miles by the end of this challenge (For anyone who's reading this, a 6-3-6 means that I do a fast-paced jog for 6 minutes, a sprint for 3 minutes, and then back down to a fast-paced jog for 6 minutes. I got this workout from track!)
  • 5,4,3 Power Cleans (115, 125, 135)
  • 10,8,6 Squats (185, 195, 205)
  • 10,8,6 One-Leg Machine Extensions (70, 80, 90)
  • 10,8,6 One-Leg Machine Curls (65, 75, 85)
  • 15,15,15 Seated Calf-Raises (90)

Day 2 of 30 Day Challenge

Workout - Cardio/Abs
Only worked out cardio today because I went to go hang out with Priscilla before she left for taiwan. I intended to work on legs and all that, but I didn’t really have the time so I’m going to leave that for tomorrow and I just won’t take a rest day on Sunday. ALL GOOD!

Day 1 of 30 Day Challenge

Taken with phone for lack of a better camera
OK, I'm new to this so I have no idea how the formatting works, I hope this looks right..

Day 1 of 30 Day Challenge

Workout - Triceps/Biceps

Weight - 146.5 lbs

Thoughts before I get into this challenge - I’M PUMPED! I can’t wait to see some results. So right now I feel that abs could use some more cut, but I’m pretty happy with them. I definitely feel that pecs need to be bigger and more defined. I feel that chest is naturally the weakest point in my physique. Biceps need some work, and calves (though they can’t be seen) need some work. Overall, I feel that I just want to get bigger in general.

I’m probably going to talk about how I feel about progression and results and what needs more work every month.

30 Day Challenge

So I've been working out pretty consistently all summer, but since the start of July I've been doing this 30 day fitness challenge. Basically I'm going to work out rigorously for 30 days, and then after that I plan on trying to keep it going for several years, but right now I'm staying focused on these 30 days.

Here's what I posted on Tumblr at the beginning of the challenge:

So I’ve been seeing a lot of 30 day challenges for a lot of things, but one challenge that caught my eye was a fitness challenge. Since it’s pretty much the beginning of the month, I decided I’d do one too and try to work as hard as I can on my physique, in really kind of bulking up in terms of muscle. I’m still pretty lean so I’m not really worrying about cutting down fat right now.
For 30 days I plan on going to the gym everyday, already wrote up my gym schedule, what I plan on working out and stuff like that.

This is what I’m going to do to make sure I stay on track.
  1. Go to the gym EVERYDAY, sunday can be used as a rest day or an abs/cardio day.
  2. Do abs every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday so that I don’t burn out my abs too much.
  3. After every workout I’m going to come home, take my protein and weigh myself.
  4. Then I will take a picture so that I can hopefully see my progress.
  5. I’m going to post up my details so that I’ll stay motivated to keep going (post pictures every week)

I forgot to add my goals.. By the end of these 30 days, I hope to gain more muscle mass (I’m not sure how big I plan on getting), I want to gain some weight from muscle, and get a better definition in my entire body. GOTTA GET THE BEACH BOD!

Starting A Blog!

WOO! Hey anyone reading my blog!

First off, I'd just like to make it known that this blog is for my own uses. I'm posting here to measure my own growth and to keep myself motivated. I should probably mention that this is going to be my own fitness blog. I will post here anything fitness-related if it is relevant to me, like I will post here about the workouts I'm doing, what kind of food I'm eating, and stuff like that. I'm not going to cater this blog to people who are reading it... that is if people ever read it..

OK, now that's out of the way. Let me talk a bit about myself. My name is Andrew Win, I'm 17 years old and I just graduated from high school. I've been doing track and field for about 4 years now, and my main event is pole vaulting, but I also do hurdles, sprints, and long jump. For the past 4 years, working out has really only been just a thing I do randomly. I would go into the weight room with the rest of my fellow pole vaulters and I'd do some workouts, but I never really rigorously worked out. So starting this summer I decided I didn't want to do that anymore and I've been really working out trying to build up my physique and fitness. Well I decided to start up this blog because I was really bored and I saw some fitness blogs, namely HanhChampion's blog, and I felt that this would be a fun way to spend some time and a good way to keep myself working out and all that good stuff.

So, let's get started!